The role of language in integration efforts

As an association that is committed to the integration of refugee women, we are constantly concerned with the question of how we can best contribute to a successful integration in Germany. One topic is regularly mentioned in the media and politics – the question of the role of language for integration.

After all, language is not only a means of communication, but also an important link between people. It can connect (but also disconnect, depending on how it is used). Especially for immigrants and refugees, the language can therefore represent a great opportunity.

Unfortunately, people with a lack of language skills encounter difficulties. It is often difficult to find a job or make friends without sufficient language skills. Even everyday situations can become a challenge if you don't understand what is going on around you. Especially in government offices and when visiting doctors, it is of great importance to be able to accommodate people linguistically. Unfortunately, this happens little or not at all in Germany.

Language can form a bridge between cultures and people. Anyone who learns a new language also opens up to new ways of thinking and looking at the world.

TOK is therefore committed to inclusive language promotion. We want to contribute to recognizing the advantages of learning the German language. We particularly emphasize the possibility of being able to find your way around our society successfully, independently and independently. At the same time, however, we would also like to show that multilingualism can be a great advantage and contribute to the fact that different cultures are lived and appreciated in Germany.

Only if we approach each other together and with openness can we shape a colorful and diverse society in which everyone has the chance to develop and find their place.

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