The guiding principle under which the work at TOK operates is help for self-help on the way to social participation and independence. Let us stand together and shape a future in which refugee women are not only accepted but also actively supported.

We Are Transfer of Knowledge

Transfer of Knowledge TOK e.V. was founded in April 2021 by Bjeen Alhassan

The guiding principle of TOK's work is to help women to help themselves on their way to social participation and independence. TOK is familiar with the realities of refugee women's lives and starts where they need support. TOK also uses its knowledge to raise awareness and educate authorities, organisations and society. After all, integration is not a one-way street.

The overarching goal of our projects is to empower refugee women to become actively involved in civil society. TOK encourages them to participate in society. We see it as our task to show these women the opportunities they have in Germany for integration and self-realisation. The aim is not to talk about the women who have fled, but to talk with them. Specifically, this means to get women who have fled out of isolation by participating in seminars and to improve their German language skills. Beyond learning the German language, the target group is to be helped in dealing with the authorities, everyday life and, in particular, entering the world of work and study.

We hope for increased trust in German institutions to foster a sense of belonging. For this to happen, on the other hand, the authorities and society as a whole must show a willingness to treat refugees with respect and goodwill.

An open society means that we get to know each other and learn from each other. Refugee women bring with them their unique experiences, skills and cultures that can enrich our society. By giving them the opportunity to share their stories and contribute their talents, we can develop a deeper understanding of each other and benefit from one another.

It is our responsibility to show refugee women that they can be part of this society. At the same time, it is also up to us as a society to open up and create a culture of welcome and inclusion. By recognising and nurturing the strengths and potential of all women, together we can build a society characterised by diversity and mutual support. Let us stand together and create a future where refugee women are not only accepted but also actively supported.


We believe that each team member brings a unique strength and perspective, and together we can achieve great things. We foster an open and supportive work atmosphere. Our team meetings are defined by the ongoing exchange of ideas. Few facts about us: our youngest member is 21 years old, we are spread across the cities of Kiel, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Cologne, and Emden, and together we speak seven languages. We are very excited to meet you!

Our Vision

A world in which refugee women in Germany, as well as women in war zones, are empowered through education to achieve their independence. By empowering them, we aim to create a better future for everyone.

Our Mission

Our mission is to mobilize the international community to equip girls and women with the foundations for a better life, particularly through access to higher education
